College Entrance Requirements
Pursuing Violin as a Career
If you are pursuing violin as a career, you will likely be applying to major conservatories. The following list is guideline of entrance requirements at some of the top university level violin programs. As you are applying please check with each university for the most up-to-date requirements.
All maj/min scales
2 etudes – Rode, Dont, Kreutzer, Gavinies
2 mvt. contrasting unaccomp. Bach
1 mvt. standard concerto -
2 contrasting mvt. of unacc. Bach
1 mvt. of a concerto
3 oct. maj/min scales/arp -
fast & slow mvt. from any concerto
1 mvt. unacc. Bach
2 contrasting brilliant concert pieces
1 Paganini Caprice and 1 study Rode, Gavinies, Wieniawski, Op. 10,
Paganini, Op. 1
maj/min scales/arp in 3 oct. with double stops
1 piece of above composed since 1939 -
3 oct. maj/min scales1st mvt. standard concerto
2 contrasting mvt. unacc. Bach -
scales/arp in 3 oct, scales in thirds & octaves – all keys
etudes – Kreutzer, etc.
2 contrasting mvt. unaccomp. Bach
fast & slow mvt. any concerto
short salon piece -
4 Compositions
1 mvt. Bach
1st mvt. standard concerto
etude – Dont, Gavinies, Rode, Paganini
maj/min scales in 16th notes, 3 oct. -
1 maj/min scale
1 etude
1st mvt. concerto
1 solo piece